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Unzip the files to any directory you choose then set up ODBC drivers.
Setting up the Access ODBC Driver Go to your "Start menu-Settings Control Panel" and Double-click on the ODBC Icon. This is where ODBC Data Sources are set up. If you do not have an ODBC Icon then you must install them before continuing on. Now "add" the data source using the Access Database Driver. Set the name to "helpdesk97" and select the database called helpdesk97.mdb using "Select..." button. |
Start the Application by excuting the batch file called RunServer.bat helpdesk1.0 directory after that click on runHTML.lnk and thats it.
If you get this error in the dos prompt it means this server cannot run because another server is using the same port settings as this server. Try to close down the other server or change its port setting. Some versions of NT and win2k might have a version of Personal Web Server running in the as a background process. To close it you Select Start - settings - control panel - Administrative Tools - Personal Web Manager Then select close. |
If you get this nasty exception that means java cannot find ODBC database "helpdesk97" ,did you set it up properly? |